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After having defended the Solar System from alien invaders, Headquarters has the crew on a routine service call in order to give them well-deserved downtime, run ship repairs and diagnostic tests, and get in some quality holodeck time and comradery in 10-Forward. Nothing exciting going on here. Orders are to head out to the Asteroid Belt, mine an asteroid, locate a damaged ship and tow it into Jupiter Station for salvaging, and finally, jump to Ryker Station to pick up 8 power cells and bring them back to Earth. Easy go easy come....

Unbeknownst the crew, their arch-rivals, the Orion Pirates, have their sites set on raiding Ryker Station and making off with those power cells and selling them to the highest bidder.


Presented with an almost no-win situation, the crew will have to decide between saving Ryker Station or a Talaxian civilian transport ship bounding out of control towards the Star Opo where its crew will be turned back into stardust. And, in the most likely event that the crew will not be able to save Ryker Station in time either, their best option left will be to chase down the Orion Pirate ships attempting to make a run for it to the Delta Quadrant Jumpgate, just 10minutes away, and retrieve the power cells and safely jump back to the solar system.

Fast thinking and crucial decision making will be the calling card of those crews who score the highest in this routine service call turned into a life and death heart-pounding race against time.

Mission Mechanics:

This mission involves 2 maps. The first map has the crew beginning at Earth and heading into the Asteroid Belt to locate and mine an asteroid that can then be used as a source of money to buy needed repairs along the course of the mission. The crew can make purchases at Jupiter Station or from any one of the repair ships cruising around the map. Smart crews will stock up with extra ammo and ship modules before heading through the jump-gate to Ryker Station. 


After mining the asteroid, the crew will need to scan the various wrecked ships inside the Asteroid Belt and find the one with a radiation level greater than 10,000 Gy. This ship will then need to be towed to Jupiter Station where its isoquantum drive will be salvaged.


After those two tasks are taken care of, the crew will jump out to Ryker Station. Upon arriving the crew will make a scan to locate Ryker Station at which time a series of events will be set into motion: A Talaxian civilian transport ship will begin heading towards the star Opo and collide with it 5:12s later if the crew is not able to use their remedy wave in time to repair the Talaxian vessel's flight control systems. At the same time, a fleet of 15 Orion Pirate ships located behind the Opo begins descending upon Ryker Station to steal the power cells and destroy Ryker Station.  


The crew has an almost no-win situation thrust upon them. Do they save the Talaxians or head to Ryker Station. There are no right or wrong answers and there is almost no chance of saving both the Talaxians and Ryker Station.  This mission affords the opportunity to discuss with your students' risk assessment and other moral dilemmas. 


After the Orion Pirates make off with the power cells, the crew will have to chase them down and attempt to retrieve as many power cells as possible before the pirates reach the Delta Quadrant jump-gate and make off with their loot.  The crew will need to scan the cargo bay of pirates ships and disable their shields in order to transport the power cells safely on board their ship. As well, for each ship that has a power cell, the crew will need to hack their computers and download the pirate encryption key access code of the power cell, otherwise, it won't be usable.


The mission ends when the crew decides to take the jump-gate back to Earth when perhaps all options are expired or with a load of power cells and pirates chasing them in hot pursuit. 



Shorter missions might include:

A) Reduce the number of power cells involved.


B) Eliminate the needs to get the power cell access codes from the pirate's computers


C) Eliminate Ryker Station map 2 and only have the mission involve tasks in the Asteroid Belt: mining the asteroid and towing the wrecked ship to Jupiter Station

Flight director walkthroughs

Click the images below to watch the Flight Director walkthroughs explaining the finer details. 

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support scripts
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Student log-in
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Mission scorecard
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Ship ledger
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The mission begins with the crew at Earth performing

some Ship Tasks as they make their way out to the 

Asteroid Belt to mine an asteroid. When that assignment

is complete, Headquarters has asked the crew to search the Asteroid Belt for a wrecked ship and tow it into Jupiter Station to have its isoquantum drive salvaged in the shipyards there. After docking the vessel the crew will have the chance to buy backup ammo and ship module supplies before taking the Jupiter Jumpgate 

out to Ryker Station to pick up some power cells and

bring them back to Earth. This is meant to be a low key mission for the Infinity Knights but little do they know their arch enemies the Orion Pirates have other plans...

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The mission begins with the crew at Earth performing

some Ship Tasks as they make their way out to the 

Asteroid Belt to mine an asteroid. When that assignment is complete, Headquarters has asked the crew to search the Asteroid Belt for a wrecked ship and tow it into Jupiter Station to have its isoquantum drive salvage in the shipyards there. After docking the vessel the crew will have the chance to buy backup ammo and ship module supplies before taking the Jupiter Jumpgate out to Ryker Station to pick up some power cells and bring them back to Earth. This is meant to be a low key mission for the Infinity Knights but little do they know their arch enemies the Orion Pirates have other plans...

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