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Player Profile- Captain Tomaso

Captain Tomaso, currently serving under Admiral De Villiers, led his crew to great accomplishments in the Succession mission. His ability to evaluate multiple variables simultaneously while operating the levers of leadership to get the best out of his crew members is worthy of recognition by the Federation of Planets top Starfleet Navy brass. His crew, the Infinity Knights, operates the Artemis Charger Galaxy Class starship. For this mission, he successfully led his crew into dangerous territory by first defeating Zazus's space monsters that were holding the colonists from Megara captive, and finally heading solo into the Rogue System to rescue the Oracle of Delphi while fighting off Orion Space Pirates, destroying their space base, and avoiding the jaws of giant sea monsters in the ocean of planet Rogue 7. Perhaps most stunning of all, his crew, against great odds, had zero ship failures, leading his crew to one of the highest team scores in the school, grades 3-12.

Great at contemplating game strategy and solving problems, Captain Tomaso has proven himself one of the top captains thus far at the EIC and sets a new standard for leadership. Congratulations to Captain T and his crew in 4th grade!!!

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